About https://Box.com

Box.com is a Cloud Content Management platform and a cloud storage system used by businesses and individuals for organizational and collaborative data storage. It enables users to store data, documents, photos, videos, music files, and to share them with anyone they choose. Box.com was founded in 2005 by Aaron Levie and Dylan Smith and it is currently owned by Levie and a number of venture capitalists.


1. One of the main advantages of Box.com is its accessibility. Files can be accessed anytime, anywhere without needing to carry a USB drive or worry about soft copies being lost or misplaced.

2. Box.com is also secure as one can control who views and edits the files. For businesses, this is highly beneficial as they have the option of allowing access to teams or specific users only.

3. Box.com allows users to integrate other apps such as Google Apps, Microsoft Office, Salesforce and more so that they can work with all of their data in one place.

4. The files are also backed up and stored in a secure, remote location, meaning they will remain safe in the event of a power outage, computer crash or theft.


1. Box.com does not have a large file storage limit, meaning that large businesses or individuals who have an extensive data set may not be able to use the service.

2. The basic version of the service is free, but the paid versions of the service are relatively expensive compared to other cloud storage services.

3. The interface can be intimidating and confusing for new users, making it difficult to quickly learn how to use the service.

Who is the typical user?

The typical user of Box.com is a business or individual who needs an efficient way to store or share files. It is especially popular among entrepreneurs and small business owners who want to provide their teams with secure access to important documents that can be accessed from anywhere.

In conclusion, Box.com is a great tool for businesses and individuals to manage and store their data securely and access it from any device. It also allows users to integrate other applications, adding to its appeal. Despite the drawbacks, the benefits and features of Box.com, as well as its very reasonable pricing structure, make it a popular choice among business owners and individuals alike.


